Why the power of self care can make you stronger - YPS Psychology Ltd

Why the power of self care can make you stronger

If you’re feeling stressed, jumping from job to job with a busy schedule, or putting all your energy into caring for others, it might be time to take a step back. Not giving yourself time for self care can put you on the road to burn out or risk falling into the trap of workaholism and suffering from fatigue.

You can’t pour from an empty cup

Self care is about actively prioritising our emotional wellbeing with activities that help us to relax. Caring for yourself, slowing down and taking a break to pause makes sure that you’ve got a balance in your day.

Most importantly, self care is not selfish. It’s about being mindful, checking in with yourself, doing it with purpose, and recognising how those activities make you feel.

“But I don’t have the time for self care, I’ve got too much to do.”

Do you have the time to take off unexpectedly if you burn out or can’t perform at your best? Throwing yourself into work after a break up is a common way of distracting yourself without facing your feelings and taking care of yourself.

Self care is a powerful tool you can use to strengthen your mental wellbeing and build self love and your relationship with yourself. It’s also beneficial for your relationships with others as it gives you more energy to give to others. Treating yourself with kindness sets an example of how you want to be treated.

How can I do this?

So, how can you implement self care into your routine?

Back to basics

Social media is full of self care lists telling you to light a candle or do a face mask, and whilst these might help us to decompress, don’t ignore the building blocks of taking care of yourself.

  • A good night’s sleep
  • A healthy, balanced diet
  • A routine that works for you

Pay attention to your emotions and treat yourself with compassion. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions you’re feeling. Know when to take a step back and accept support from others.

Plan, plan, plan

Make a conscious effort to carve out the time to be kind to yourself so it’s not forgotten, pushed to the side or just an afterthought ‘because you have to’. Taking the time to step away from everything else and being mindful about the activity you’ve chosen is important. Aligning your self care with your goals might help you to plan the time into your day.

Saying no to what doesn’t serve you

Self care can also be knowing the things you don’t want to do. Is what you’re doing how you want to spend your days? Is it helping you to confront your feelings about a breakup? Try blocking out distractions and setting boundaries so you can switch off and dedicate the time to yourself.

Start small

Set yourself achievable goals and take them one step at a time. If you want to journal regularly as a new habit, take small steps towards making that easier for you, like placing a notebook by your bedside table.

Even if you’ve only done something small, try recording what you have done to help you gain momentum.

Get moving

Start or end your day with a walk, or break up your work day with a stroll. Try unplugging and listening to music, an audiobook, or your favourite podcast.

Practical self care

Doing the dishes or getting caught up with the little life admin jobs you’ve been putting off might not be ‘enjoyable’ self care, but it’ll give you a pleasant environment with less hanging over you.

An easy way you can try this is with David Allen’s two-minute rule. The principle is that if something can be done in two minutes, like making your bed in the morning as soon as you get up, then you should do it now to avoid procrastination.

This practice of practical self care means we have a calm, relaxing environment for our other self care activities without the guilt hanging over us, and it can help us to feel better and more put together.

How to mend your broken heart

What is the first thing you feel after a romantic break up? For many, it’s pain. Not surprising, as the sorrow of lost love is felt as deeply as intense physical discomfort.

In this Gold Membership course, we help you to adapt to your life without your ex, keep your self-worth intact, and enable your heart to be open to finding new love. It’s a step-by-step guide to help you emerge on the other side, with your heart less bruised, and on the mend.

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